1. Verb
    1. be angry
    2. get mad
    3. resent
    4. be mad
    5. blow up
    6. lose one's temper
    7. ruffle
    8. flare up
    9. be exercised
    10. be irritated

  2. adjective
    1. angry
    2. mad
    3. indignant
    4. resentful
    5. irate
    6. wrath
    7. annoyed
    8. sore
    9. wrathful
    10. wroth
    11. crook
    12. crotchety
    13. rabid
    14. shirty
    15. peevish
    16. ratty
    17. crabbed
    18. crabby
    19. despiteful
    20. redwood
    21. glaring
    22. acerbate
    23. spleenful
    24. rusty
    25. roily
    26. sulphurous
    27. snuffy
    28. scotty
    29. snitchy
    30. ireful

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