life is chill out
do not be forced to be beautiful
life is lived alone
not because of compulsion
Make your heart to receive your life

It is a small snippet of the words that I own rope. sometimes I often think that I should not think. I so often think bad about others. I do not know what people think about me. What are good. or bad. I may be bad for letting my heart friends with rude people who will change my life. sma I prefer friends than classmates. I do not feel at home on campus. really suffer. fulfilled its duties and is always surrounded by villagers who do not know myself. buy a blackberry but do not know how to use it. buy a train, laptops, cool hp, modem, nge-kost. FOR WHAT. you that .. once the villagers who do not know myself dang do not have a heart .. aja people remain quasi-children era village ... all of you. do not you know. people are smart and clever mind would choose not to buy goods that are not useful. mark it in your mind. BASIC PEOPLE KAMPONG

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