^_^ How to be HAPPY *
If people have hurt you, forgive them. Hold no ill will toward anyone. All people make mistakes, including ourselves. We want others to forgive us when we do wrong, so we need to forgive others. Keep your expectations of people realistic. We will appreciate people much more when we lower our expectations of them. In the process of forgiving others, don't forget to forgive yourself. People who are hard on others, are often hardest on themselves.
Whether it be a friend your so appreciative of, your natural hair colour or how far along your getting in school, there is always something to appreciate or be proud of in your life.
Every jist of joy held within you when you: won a lottery, claimed a title for your reputation, got a long-dreamt promotion, given birth, realised a miracle,etc, will be doubled more than you ever imagined when shared. However don't go overboard to the extent to boasting. You could thanking your family & friends for your success: your wife for making you hot coffee on nights you were working overtime at home, your parents who finaced you through your graduation. Sharing is Caring. Most likely people who are true to you will radiat back your happiness! So go spread it! Dont matter if its your lover or that poor old man down the street!
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